Monday, January 12, 2009

We Need A Resolution

When it comes to a conflict what do you think is best staying away from the person you just argued with or apology to them? Well there’s a lot of ways you can handle this problem. It’s not that bad to apologies to the person but going up to them is harder than it seems.
Here’s an example if you argue on the job that could led to a fight you’ll find yourself jobless and will have a illegal file on you at the police station. There are ways to keep your cool down and clam. There’s a student by the name of Anne Wear of St. Peters, Mo. She used to work in a store department for toys. While she was working, she had to stock up all the toys in the shelves and as soon as she was done a little boy knock them down. When she tried to explain to them in the nice way they didn’t even bother to pick them back up. It was at that moment when she lost all of her cool. She then yelled at the two boys and they went to their mother. Her boss then told her she was fired. After taking some time to think about what she has done.
There are a lot of ways to solve a conflict with the person you had it out with. Think very hard to what you might do next and don’t let others push you around. Deal with what they have to say and maybe they are right. Just don’t judge people for them telling the truth.

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